Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm suprised I remembered my password

Yea. I kinda forgot about this page. Brad has been helping out with Eli a lot lately, so I've actually had a little time to get online.

Eli is getting so big. He is 11 months old and it seems like each day, he is doing something new. He has started to bless his food before he eats...well, kinda. We will say the blessing, then he puts his hands together and mumbles something like "God is good..amen." It's really precious.

Brad is preparing to preach tomorrow. I really feel like preching is where his heart is. We are just praying that in God's timing, He will continue to open up doors for us.

I am still just working barely part time at Ideal Software. I am just not ready for Eli to start daycare and its totally not worth the cost for us right now.

The highlight of my last year (besides the birth of my amazing son): MY MOM HAS A C-LEG!!!

sorry for the randomness.. will try to update more later.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My intentions have been to update this blog for about a week; the time just never seems right.

FIRST...Can I just say that I have the most precious husband ever! Last week, I came home after working late and saw our fancy china set on the dining room table. (Brad's sis, Christy, gave it to us--it was their parents' and it is absolutely perfect!) I also found Brad washing a load of clothes!! Curious to see what he was planning on putting on the china, I began to snoop around the kitchen, only to find KFC chicken! That's right folks, our first meal on the very-special china was fried chicken, mashed taters and mac and cheese. lol. To wash it all down, we drank sugar free cherry koolaid out of fancy goblets that a lady in NYC gave us. What a fun meal that was!!

In other news.. getting insurance on our station wagon has been a huge challenge. After quoting a few different places, we made a choice. However, when I went to do the paper work, the lady I talked to on the phone was not there, and no one had a clue what to do. So, the next day, I took my lunch break to go back to the insurance office, only to be told that they forgot to pull up my driver's record. You see, 2 years ago (the day before Hurricane Katrina), I got a ticket on my way to student teaching-sore subject. A friend tried to get it taken care of, but I ended up having to pay for that ticket. No big deal, except for someone at the MS highway patrol office entered in that ticket 2 times and it is showing that I have 2 speeding tickets on the same day, at the same time. I made a few calls and finally got in touch with a lady who supposedly removed one of the tickets off of my record. However, when the insurance lady pulls my record, it is still showing up that I have 2 tickets. If I don't go ahead and get the record cleared off, our insurance would be $95 more each month!! I have been going back and forth calling the Highway Patrol office and the Insurance office for a week now...and this has still not been resolved. The Highway Patrol will not mail or fax a letter stating they made a letter, and the insurance place will not give us a cheaper rate, until they either get a letter or the ticket is removed from my record. Oh yea.. and apparently, I paid for 2 tickets, as well as an extra fee when I got my licenses renewed, but no one seems to know how I can get that money back. sad.

In happier news, Brad preached yesterday. His morning message was titled "Why does God allow suffering." There have been a lot of deaths in the community of our church lately, and I think that his sermon helped give hope. Last night, he preached about the importance of sharing our faith and telling our live story to others. I am quite proud of him :)

I just learned that we are getting a starbucks in Meridian! lol--that's pretty cool, but it will be serious competition to the coffee shop I want to open up in downtown meridian. haha.. maybe by the time I am able to open a coffee shop (like in 20+ years), everybody will be tired of starbucks. yeah, I doubt it too! Not only are we getting a starbucks, but we now have a whole new shopping center! We have a new Lifeway, Bestbuy, Ross', Bed, Bath and Beyond, etc. I just keep looking for and hoping for Michaels, Olive Garden and Target!

Well, I'm headed to work now.

Have a great day!


Saturday, October 27, 2007

WoW! Last night was amazing! We had a 5th quarter bonfire after the local football games (at our church). We had about 30 come out, which was great! Brad had a few kids lined up to give their testimony, but a total of 7 folks got up and gave their testimony. Those kids testimonies were so powerful! We are totally going to have to have another bonfire soon. Oh--I was totally estatic to get to put out the fire around 1am this morning! The wannabe fire-woman in me truly shined'.

Tonight, we have our fall festival at the church. I was nominated by my darlin husband to paint faces. Oh how I am tempted to paint GO DAWGS on all of those prescious little faces.

Well, I better get off of here, before I burn Brad's biscuits!

peas like a dove.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Wow! We have not done too good of a job keeping this up-to-date. Let's see...

Last Saturday, we took Cassen (our nephew) to see the TN vs MSU game in Starkville. We had a blast! This was Cassen's first college football game and he got his first cowbell. We really enjoyed getting to spend that time with him and seeing how excited he was! Sadly MSU lost, but Brad sure was glad that the Vols won!

Oh yea, we got a new car! We are now the proud owners of a stationwagon!

Last Sunday was Brad's 27th Birthday. Mr. Louis, at our church, took us to lunch- we always enjoy his company. The church also threw Brad a surprise "cake and icecream fellowship." Brad is getting so old!

Brad is going to be singing a solo in the Christmas Cantata. Oh, and I am going to be singing with the choir for that too.. hehehe.

We are contemplating going to the Meridian High Homecoming Game tonight. Brad really wants to see their band.

Next Friday, we are having a 5th Quarter Bonfire at our church after all the local football games. We've been busy trying to plan for that.

Well.. I guess that's it for now!! Sorry for the random thoughts.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Peas In My Heart...

FINALLY!! I have peace in my heart! I have been struggling with whether or not to accept the position at the school. I am going to stay where I am at for now, because I did not feel like that is the place that God wanted me to be right now. I am finding great joy because we have been able to glorify God through all of this. It's funny--as soon as I stopped looking for wisdom and advice from man... and when I went to seek God's face, I had the answer! How great is our God!!! He works everything out in His time :D
Thanks to all who lifted us up in your prayers as we made this decision.



Thursday, September 20, 2007

by the way...

I had an interview at a Christian Academy http://russellwarriors.com/html/student.html about a month ago, but they didn't think they would be able to hire me full-time. As soon as I thought that door had closed, it opened again. I received a call from the headmaster of that school this morning and he wants to meet with me tomorrow. Brad and I are praying that I will stay in God's will. This verse has given me so much comfort today:

"Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you." -Psalm 143:8

In other news, I never see my husband :). Last weekend, he went to a cookout for the youth, then took the youth to a concert, while I got some stuff done around the house and spent time with my mom and nieces and nephew. Even though I didn't see much of Brad, I had some good quality time with my family. In fact, Allyson, my oldest niece can now clearly say my name and told me she loved me for the first time! She has also added Bwad (Brad) to her vocabulary; and, now when I ask her how Daddy smells, she pinches her nose and makes an awful face. Anway, this weekend, Brad is camping out with Cassen, our nephew's, Cub Scout group. I don't know who is more excited about the campout- Brad or Cassen. Those two are definitely two peas in a pod.

Well, I better go try to figure out what I am going to wear tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our first post

First it was xanga, next came livejournal, then facebook, then it was myspace. Ginny always convinces me to start new blogs--so here I am. Maybe, just maybe, we will do a better job of keeping this one up!

I better get back to work for now (lunch time is over). We will have more to post later!
